Agribur S.L.
Our products

In addition to clementines, Agribur increases the production of oranges year after year, always looking for the highest quality varieties:

Naranja Navelina: This variety is very productive and its flavor is very sweet. Navelina oranges are ideal for dessert. They are collected from the first days of October until mid-February.
Naranja Lane Late: This orange has thin skin and less limonin. These oranges are harvested from January and remain in the markets until the end of May.
Naranja Valencia Late: This variety is the most important in the whole world. This orange is a bit elongated, with a thin and consistent rind, the pulp has a very good color and a high juice content. The flavor of Valencia Late oranges is very acidic, and does not contain seeds. Its maturity is late, between April and July.
Naranja Navelate: Navelate oranges are juicy and very sweet. They can be consumed from the end of February to the end of May.
Naranja Powell : Great fruit of excellent quality, without seeds, intense orange color. Like the rest of the varieties of the navel group, the fruits have a button. High juice content, with low acidity and high concentration of sugars.